
Feng Shui Paintings For Living Room

There are some things you should keep in mind before purchasing feng shui paintings for your living room. While there are many types of feng shui wall art available, you should avoid buying ones with a negative connotation. Choosing paintings that clearly represent feng shui symbols will help you find the perfect match for your living room. For example, if you are looking to decorate your living room with paintings of fire or flowers, you should choose paintings with these colors. Avoiding feng shui paintings that come with a negative perception In feng shui, an empty wall is not good for Qi flow. Artwork on the walls may restrict the flow of energy, making people feel tired more quickly. Feng shui often associates cardinal directions with different energies. These energies can be harnessed through the introduction of corresponding natural elements. For example, the north wall of a room represents career and is associated with water energy. When choosing paintings for the living room, try to avoid those that have negative associations with the four elements. Avoid using artwork that was created by people you no longer know. Choose feng shui paintings that have positive symbolism, such as those that show a landscape. Be careful not to hang paintings that have negative associations with the four elements, such as animals or flowers. Choosing wall art with clear feng shui symbolism If you’re considering incorporating feng shui into your home decor, you’ve probably heard of the Bagua map. This ancient art form describes the five elements and how they affect various parts of your life. For example, the living room’s wealth area is in the far left corner. By placing wall art there, you’ll enhance the energy flow in this area. For more information about Feng Shui, welcome to check out – Feng Shui Tips.